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Timber, Veneer and Plywood 1901 - 1969
Largest plywood mill in Australia
Another landmark was made in January 1922 when Three Ply Wood Mills in Annie Street became Canadian Plywood Company Limited. [5] Mac had been manufacturing plywood for only seven years when, in 1922, his biggest mill over the creek, Coorparoo Ply Wood, became the largest plywood mill in Australia, the output being 3 million feet per month.
Worker in Coorparoo Ply Wood Mill truck - Fiat 18BL - 3.5 ton. 20,000 were built from 1914 to 1921. Williams Collection
Left: Cover from booklet advertising Coorparoo PlyWood Mills. Williams collection.
A time to sell and a time to buy
In 1923 Mac liquidated some of his assets. A carpenter’s strike had begun in late 1922 and continued for many weeks. The progress of building operations in Brisbane, including Mac’s new home in Pixley Street at Kangaroo Point were held up. His ‘hobby’ of speedboat racing had become expensive. He already owned three hydroplanes and purchased another one, Century Tire, from America in mid-1923. His overwhelming desire was to win the next Australasian Championship in 1924. First he auctioned the twenty-one acres on which he operated Coorparoo Plywood Mills, selling machinery and vehicles. Draught horses and bullocks came next with all their harnesses, bows, bells, snigging chains and other accessories. The Coorparoo acreage was purchased for around £5,000 by United Metal Industries Limited (later taken over by Malleys Limited in 1960) as a site for a foundry and factory. Although he had disposed of his largest plywood mill, Mac continued to operate Canadian Plywood on the Woolloongabba side.
Moulding a new career First rotary lathe in Brisbane Woolloongabba Mills Glue and logs from the country Expansion after The Great War Mac's men at the mills Largest plywood mill in Australia Timber resources The Great Depression Queensland Veneer Company World War II Retirement References