Copyright 2011 Julianne Dodds
Speedboat and hydroplane Championships
1921 - 1925
New owner for Century Tire
Vice-Commodore R. Walder’s
Century Tire
comes ashore at the new R.Y.M.C. jetty.
Mr R. Walder who, in 1925, was Vice-Commodore of the R.M.Y.C. of N.S.W., bought the damaged
boat. He planned to take her to Adelaide in quest of the 1927 Australasian Championship. At that time
the Cup had not been won in New South Wales since 1914. A new hull was made for
Century Tire
and she was taken to the R.M.Y.C. boat shed at Rose Bay.
Walder’s efforts went unrewarded. Still regarded as the fastest speed boat in Australia,
was dogged by mechanical problems and breakdowns during 1927. Her petrol tank exploded in
June and in October she capsized while travelling at 60 miles an hour throwing Walder into the water.
His first win in
Century Tire
was in early 1928
when he won the Eastway Shield in Sydney.
Continued attempts were made on the world’s
motor boat record for a mile. In November 1928
a special match was arranged at Rose Bay
Century Tire
and Squadron Leader
Kingsford Smith’s (Smithy)
Miss Southern Cross
Smithy’s plane was allowed a six minute start
and was leading when her propeller broke
and she was unable to complete the course.
Over the previous two years, Walder had
announced his intention to enter
Century Tire
for the Griffith Cup in 1930. But illness had
prevented him from racing in the Australian
Squadron Leader Kingsford Smith (inset left) wins from Robert Walder (inset right)