© Copyright 2011  Julianne Dodds Speedboat and hydroplane Championships 1921 - 1925 cont ...1925 Australasian Motor Boat Championship in Brisbane Spectators watching the race with the steamer Koopa  in the background.  Photo from Williams Collection. Miss Edith Napier Birks in Lady Sid, accompanied by her father who acted as mechanic. Photo from Williams collection. Donated by Roger Moore from Redland Bay, Queensland. The beginning of the first heat - from left: Gee Whiz, Miss Albion and Century Tire.  Photo from Williams Collection. Donated by  Roger Moore from Redland Bay in Queensland. On Saturday 21 February, both the Hamilton and Bulimba foreshores were lined with spectators.  Hundreds of cars were parked in every available space on either bank. Upwards of 6000 people saw the race. This was the first time the Australasian Championship had been held in this State and suddenly Queenslanders began to take an passionate interest in the sport of hydroplane racing. The excursion steamer Doomba was chartered and acted as an official flagship and was filled to capacity – she was capable of carrying 1,524 passengers. The Vice-Regal and Mayoral parties were accommodated on the flagship, which was moored at a point that provided a good view of the race. A first-class brass band was on the Hamilton retaining wall. The competitors for the race were: Tortoise II driven by the Rymill brothers - S. A. Century Tire owned and driven by J. McG. Williams - Qld. Lady Sid owned and driven by Edith Napier Birks - S.A. Gee Whiz owned by George Whatmore and driven by George Whatmore Jnr. - Qld. Miss Albion owned and driven by J. Thurlow - Qld.   At 2 pm the Doomba left Circular Quay and the race began at 2:45 pm. The first heat was started and Century Tire and Tortoise II immediately rushed to the front, creating washes in which G-Whiz was entrapped. She disappeared from sight in a cloud of spray, after being thrown clean out of the water.  The crew were thrown overboard and several boats rushed to their assistance. While the crew were being rescued, the boat slowly sank. By the first turn, the cooling system in Tortoise II was not functioning properly, the cockpit was a cloud of steam and she was forced to retire. This left Century Tire, Miss Albion and Lady Sid still in the running.  Miss Albion was unable to start her engine for the second heat and Century Tire crossed the finish line ahead of Lady Sid. The finish of the second heat was extremely spectacular when Lieutenant Miller, in his seaplane, raced after Century Tire as she neared the finish line. Miller’s plane rose slightly higher and drew away from Century Tire Immediately after the finish lightning flashed, a storm broke and the boats hurriedly headed home. The seaplane made for her moorings and the ‘seaplane versus the hydroplane’ race that was to have followed the Championship, had to be abandoned. After the race, Century Tire came along the flagship, which screamed congratulations with her siren, and Mac went aboard with thunderous cheers to be congratulated by Rt. Hon. Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Matthew Nathan, Governor of Queensland. So, having won the first two heats, the Century Tire became the winner of the Griffith Cup for the second time in succession.   The Cup was handed over to Mac at a ‘smoke concert ’at the Royal Queensland Yacht Club that evening.  At the presentation, the Commodore of the Yacht Club during his speech said “Mac, may you live to a century and never tire!” Doomba (right) and Koopa (background centre) decorated with colourful bunting and filled to capacity with passengers. Photo from Williams Collection Lieutenant Horrie Miller in his Curtis Seagull overtakes Century Tire. Photo from Williams Collection. Donated by Roger Moore from Redland Bay, Queensland. Cup presentation at the Royal Queensland Yacht Club. Photo from Williams Collection.