© Copyright 2011  Julianne Dodds Speedboat and hydroplane Championships 1921 - 1925 1925 Australasian Motor Boat Championship in Brisbane Mac’s win in South Australia meant that Queensland was the new holder of the Griffith Cup and that for the first time in history the race would be held in Brisbane. The 1925 race for the Cup was set for 21st February. The Rymills arrived in Brisbane from South Australia with their hydroplane, Tortoise II. They wanted to see the Century Tire so Mac allowed them to check it out where she was moored below his home at Kangaroo Point. George Whatmore had also built another hydroplane replacing his former Gee Whiz that had burned. She had a small, light hull that carried an engine of 450 h.p. Lady Sid had a new owner, Edith Napier Birks, who was, at that time, the only lady speed boat pilot in Australia. Miss Albion was the fifth competitor, powered with a 250 h.p. Hispano-Suiza engine. A few days before the big event, Mac advertised both Century Tire and Miss Coorparoo for sale. He gave his reason as retiring from hydroplane racing. This was going to be his final competition in speed boat racing. For several days before the race, spectators were thrilled with daring, flying exhibitions by Lieutenant Horrie Miller in his Curtis Seagull who planned to meet the Australasian championship competitors in a special challenge race after the conclusion of the main race.  Instead of skimming along on the water during the race, Miller’s flying boat would fly above the speed boats. On Friday morning, the day before the race, Mr. E. C. Griffith, honorary secretary of the Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales, and donor of the cup for the championship, along with other visiting yachtsmen attended a civic reception at the Town Hall for a midday luncheon and official welcome at the Royal Queensland Yacht Club rooms directly afterwards. The Acting Mayor, Alderman T. Wilson, welcomed the visiting yachtsmen from the Southern States, some of whom were taking part in the race.   At the luncheon, it was announced that Major Darcy Donkin, owner of the hydroplane Meteor, had  donated a handsome trophy, valued at 40 guineas to go to the winner of the Cup, independent of other prizes. Right: Lieutenant Miller’s seaplane skimming along the surface of the river at more than 60 miles per hour. Photo from Williams Collection. Donated by Roger Moore from Redland Bay, Queensland. Weribone Cup Presented By Major Darcy Donkin Won by J. Mc G. Williams Century Tire Australasian Hydroplane Championship 21st February 1925 The assemblage in the Brisbane Town Hall which welcomed the speed boat representatives. Mac is seated front row far left.