© Copyright 2011  Julianne Dodds Speedboat and hydroplane Championships 1921 - 1925 cont ...1923 Australasian Championship in Adelaide Before finishing the course, the Meteor again stopped through engine trouble, and to the huge delight of the spectators Millawa came home first, after having led Miss Brisbane round the course. In the meantime, white lead, strips of canvas and copper tacks were used in an effort to patch up the Tortoise and she completed the course so that she would be eligible to start in the third heat.  But the disabled Tortoise never completed the course and Meteor won easily from Miss Brisbane. Millawa had retired through engine trouble. Tired and disappointed, the spectators had seen enough of mishaps and complications. It began to rain and a cold southerly wind caused droves of people to flee from the wharf into the waiting trains. As far as they were concerned the day’s sport was over. As thousands of disillusioned people went home, very few of them knew that a fourth heat had been run. The officials decided this was necessary because a different boat had won each of the first three heats. Miss Brisbane was not entitled to start in this fourth heat as they considered she had not won a heat. Tortoise and Millawa raced while Meteor did not finish her lone course until nearly half past seven. The motor boat race was called a ‘fiasco’. An enquiry was held two days later, Meteor was disqualified and the contest was declared ‘No Race’. This meant that the Rymills would retain possession of the cup for another twelve months. Donkin stated that he would never go to South Australia again to compete for the cup. Mac was also upset about the incident and left with his crew that afternoon back to Brisbane. He knew that Miss Brisbane should have performed better and was fairly certain that the keel of his boat had warped on the steamer that brought her to Adelaide. From left to right: Miss Brisbane, Meteor, Tortoise and Millawa.  Courtesy of the State Library of South Australia SLSA: PRG 280/1/38/362 - Speedboat racing at Outer Harbor, 1923