How did "Silver Gray"
end up so high and dry? Yes, "Gray" not "Spray".
Anybody know anything about this boat? Photo taken 1920's to 1930's. The photo was most likely taken by Mac Williams, either during his
yacht trip from
Brisbane to Cairns in 1928 (although there is no mention of this incident in his ship's log), or during his boating days from the early 1920's onwards.
He did spend a lot of time sailing and motoring
around the Moreton Bay area though. Notice the shovel on the far left of the picture...maybe a cyclone blew her up there and they are digging her out?? For a larger image please click on the top photo. It's a real old photo on inferior quality paper so that's the best scan I can do. The size is 108mm (4 1/4") by 83 mm (3 1/4") printed on matt paper, not glossy Kodak! |