The cruise of the Francois 1928 Scrub turkey for Sunday dinner 10th to 13th June 1928 Sunday morning, 10th June began with a dense fog. By mid-morning the heavy mist gave way to a fine, clear day so they once again proceeded south. Just after lunch they passed the cargo vessel ‘Tinana’ going north to Maryborough. Captain Medley kindly threw them a bundle of newspapers. In calm weather they came to anchorage in Tin Can Bay, close to the sand spit at Elbow Point. Although they had success in shooting twelve snipe (wading birds) they failed to find the entrance to the ‘Duck’ Creek as the water supply diminished. Before dawn the next morning, Mac took Norman, Bill and Barrie to the head of the bay and went looking for scrub turkeys. After walking for many miles through thick, scratchy scrub, Bill shot two turkeys and they returned to the yacht almost six hours later, ravenous and bitten severely by sandflies. It may have been worth all the effort if the turkeys were delicious eating, but they were as tough as old boots, smelly and oily. They felt worse when the light keeper told them that the scrub was crawling with tiger snakes and death adders. No-one wanted to see a scrub turkey again. © Copyright 2011  Julianne Dodds Did You Know? What’s in a name? Tin Can Bay It is said that the name derives from  the Aboriginal place name of Tuncanbar,  which is thought to have referred to  the dugongs which still frequent the  area.  According to early newspapers, the  aboriginal name for dugong was  'yungun'.   Inskip Point in 1928. Williams Collection “12:30 Started off for water from the house at Inskip Point and by 3:30 had loaded 2 loads.  80 gallons. Also got fine haul of garfish. Had turkey for dinner (I wish I’d had bread and honey) Lightkeeper McDonald made us a present of 7 loaves of bread.” The perfect weather continued.   On the way to Wide Bay, they passed Wolf Rock and decided to have a fishing competition. Hopes were high and they tried three or four drifts but disappointment followed when they caught only one schnapper and four cod. The sweepstake for the ‘first fish caught’ went to Barrie.