The cruise of the Francois 1928 Next stop - Townsville 12th to 16th May 1928 The next day they entered the Whitsunday Group of Islands.  As they sailed north past Hamilton Island, they sighted Macumba steaming south. Towards the evening, Francois passed Double Cone Island, Rattray Island and Cape Gloucester. Early on the morning of Monday 14th May, they rounded Cape Cleveland and saw the steamship Marella just off the cape, heading south. They finally tied up to the concrete wharf at Townsville at 2 pm. Later that afternoon the crew replenished stores, made arrangements with Cleveland Foundry to repair the davits and a brake on the winch.  Duncan bought and fitted leather to the jaws of the main gaff.  It was indeed a strenuous day and night. The evening brought a social welcome and entertainment by members of Townsville Yacht Squadron, including the Commodore Mr. Fred Satini and Messrs. Mikkelson, Harris, Elliott, Rees and Kelloir.  Upon insistence by the members, Mac and his friends were ‘put up’ at the North Queensland Club. The ship’s Log describes their activities in Townsville. © Copyright 2011  Julianne Dodds Whitsunday Islands In 1770, the Cumberland Islands were discovered by Lieutenant James Cook. On Whit Sunday Lt. Cook sailed through and named the passage between the northern islands, the Whitsunday Passage. Later, once surveyed, the Cumberland Islands were divided into smaller groups - the Whitsunday Group, the Lindeman Group, the Anchor Islands and the Sir James Smith Group. During the mid 1800s the Whitsunday Group were the first to attract the attention of the pioneers of the mainland coast. In the 1880s, grazing leases were granted for the islands. It was not until the 1920s that 'dreamers' built galvanised iron huts for guests. Cruise ship passengers rowed ashore for tropical fruits, tea and scones. The first day trippers from the mainland were the Prosperpine residents. They arrived on the island aboard the weekly mail boat. In 1962, the islands became more accessible when the road from Airlie Beach to Shute Harbour and the jetty were completed. From Whitsundays Australia. Did You Know? “May 15 1928 Remained tied up at Townsville.  Reshipped davits (cost 100 pounds) Got ice and stores and water aboard. Purchased good Barometer. 11:30am.  The Commander entertained our Townsville friends at a friendly spot and visit of inspection.  They were much impressed with the Francois.  Felicitous speeches were made. 2pm.  Jim and Barrie went to Ross Creek Meat Works.  Others aboard. 7pm.  Weather perfect and quite cold at night.” The newsworthy visit was reported in the Cairns Post newspaper on 16th May. YACHTING TO CAIRNS. A BRISBANE PARTY. ARRIVAL AT TOWNSVILLE TOWNSVILLE, May 15. Mr. J. McG Williams, his wife and  party, including Mr. Barrington  Waters, manager for Fullers Theatre  in Brisbane, arrived in Townsville on  Monday aboard the yacht the  Francois, en route for Cairns.  Mr.  Williams is well known in sporting  circles in Brisbane. THE VOYAGE  Leaving Brisbane on May 3, the party  decided to traverse the little known  sea tracks as far as southern  travellers are concerned.  They saw much of interest for them, especially  an island sheep station run by Mr.  White.  His flock consisted of 1,500  sheep.  They also visited the Pine  Island Lighthouse.  BIG SEAS  All was not plain sailing however.  At Masthead Island, the little craft  struck tempestuous seas and had to  anchor for three days.  The little  yacht bobbed like a cork and  cooking became an impossibility.   The party had to improvise meals as  best they could and tinned meat  was the favourite with biscuits to  give it a flavour.   The Francois will go to Cairns  before turning south again.  Cargo vessel Macumba – 2526 ton steel steamer built in 1919.  Photo taken 1928. Williams Collection  The ship’s Log continues – “May 16 1928 7am.  Cast off.  Proceeded north. 8:15am.  Passed Bay Rock.  Weather fine.  Light SE breeze. 10am.  Cordelia Rock abeam.  Distant 4 miles. 12 noon.  Wind faded out.  Started engine.  1:30pm.  Cleared passage between Eclipse and Brisk Islands. 3:15pm.  Came to anchor in 6 fathoms in Pioneer Bay, Orpheus Island. From noon to anchorage under steam.  9pm.  Caught some good fish after tea near the rocks and from the ship.” That evening they settled down to a meal of fried chops, fresh from the Townsville meatworks.   The following dawn brought fine, clear weather and a light south-westerly breeze. Taking advantage   of the ideal conditions, they sailed past South Brook Island, North Barnard Isle and Russell Island. Through the night the wind freshened.  Today, the Resorts on Daydream, Hamilton, Hayman, Long and Brampton islands are tropical, sought-after destinations for tourists worldwide.