The cruise of the Francois
Percy Islands
10th to 12th May 1928
Francois arrived at Middle Island that afternoon.
The Ship’s Log adequately describes the way the visitors were impressed by the exquisiteness of the
scene before them.
© Copyright 2011 Julianne Dodds
All about damper
The very earliest form of bread – made
by humans since long, long before
recorded history – was an unleavened
mass of grain and water cooked in flat
cakes on hot hearthstones, or in lumps
in the hot ashes. It went by many
different names, but was no different,
essentially, from what we in Australia
call “damper”.
In England in the mid-nineteenth
century a pamphlet referred to the
damper as being “close, hard, and heavy,
and requiring almost the stomach of an
ostrich to digest” and went on to
describe the method of making it…
“A stiff dough is made of flour, water,
and salt, kneaded till the arms ache,
and the mass has acquired the
consistency of stiff clay. It is then
made into a cake, two or three inches
thick, and from twelve to eighteen
broad. The wood ashes are partially
raked from the hot hearth, and the
cake being laid on it, is heaped over
with the remaining hot ashes, and
thus baked. When done, and wiped
with a cloth, the outside looks dirty,
if it is not so. In the bush, where
brewers’ yeast cannot be procured,
this indurated dough is the usual bread.
From “The Story of Damper” by
Janet Jackson - Leading Edge
Did You Know?
“At anchor all day Percy Islands.
Sky fine and clear.
Delightful spot, glorious day, wonderful fishing. Fresh water both ashore and a boatload of
big fish, cod and emperor.”
A tale of buried treasure
Captain Kerr found himself reminiscing about an incident that occurred 50 years previous. He had
anchored on that very spot while he was mate of the mission schooner Bertha. According to his story,
they arrived at dusk, and the following morning while taking their coffee on the hatch, they saw a man
walking along the beach followed by twenty white goats. The man turned out to be James Joss, the
first inhabitant of the island. He was later reputed to have amassed
considerable wealth, and after his death the rumour abounded that
he had buried 1,500 sovereigns at the root of a mango tree. The
mango trees on this island have been well ‘root pruned’ by many
enthusiastic diggers over the years looking for the rumoured treasure.
The party went ashore in the launch and steamed up a creek, finding an abundant supply of fresh
water. A good old ‘souse’ in the water freshened up their salt soaked bodies.
It had now been over a week since they had left Brisbane and the loaves remaining in the bread
locker finally gave out. According to our reporter on the spot, Barrie, “…they had grown whiskers of a
sticky green. We’ve been trimming mustachios off the bread for days, but now that the loaves have
grown “ziffs” and got all heated and excited in the process, we have bidden them farewell – over the
Duncan went ashore and lit a fire to cook some damper. Well, at least he tried but the effort wasn’t
entirely too successful as the fire wasn’t hot enough.
The White Family
The highlight of their stay was a visit by Mr H. B. White who
held a pastoral lease on the two largest Percy Islands, Middle
and South. He lived there with his wife, daughter Dorothy and
two sons, Claude and Harold. Originally from Canada, the
Whites continued to live as sole residents on the island for
forty-three years. Their comfortable house of seven rooms
was perched on top of a hill one and a half miles from the
beach. Mr White not only had many goats, but also ran 1500
Merino sheep on the island, the income of which provides a
substantial income. The wool was taken to the beach by a
sledge but they transported most of their stores by packhorse.
The family was quite resourceful, growing all their produce
and numerous fruit trees and milling their own timber for
building. The few cattle on the island performed poorly so the
goats provided milk for domestic use. Mr White told his visitors
that a retired Indian Army officer, Colonel Armitage, who started
a coffee plantation on the island with railroaded labour, had built the house. However, the end of the
Kanaka labour regime effectually stifled his efforts to grow coffee.
The Whites showed their visitors an unusual pet, a flying fox, which was born two days after its parent
was captured. The little chap had developed into a member of the household and would come at a call
like a dog or a kitten. Mr. White said it displayed a marked degree of intelligence.
Upon their departure from the White’s homestead, the Francois party were presented two large bags
of lemons while they in turn sent Mr. White home with a 20 lb. cod tied to his saddle.
After dinner the crew attempted to hoist the launch aboard but found one of the davits was bent. Mac
took this problem in his stride. He was the most imperturbable, good-tempered man who always met
all his troubles with a smile. ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ was his motto. So he suggested they
take the davit weighing 3cwt. (152 kg.) ashore and make repairs. A fire was built on the beach and
Mac, acting as ‘smithy’, straightened the davit using a crack in a rock as a vice. After shipping it again,
they hoisted the launch ready for an early start in the morning.
Setting sail early on Saturday 12th they departed Middle Isle, and fairly flew along, averaging 7 knots
and at one stage reaching a speed of 12 ½ knots.
By mid-afternoon Francois anchored in Maryport Bay, Brampton Island, 32 km north-east of Mackay.
Like most of the islands off the Queensland coast, Brampton was first sighted by Captain James Cook
who passed through the area in early June 1770. Later, in 1934, the Busuttin family from St Bees
Island commenced a resort on Brampton Island, managed by Arthur and Jess Busuttin.
Percy Islands - 1928.
Williams Collection