The cruise of the Francois
Palm Island
26th to 28th May 1928
Palm Island Problems
In 1914 Palm Island was gazetted as an Aboriginal Reserve.
By law, if any Aborigines misbehaved, they could be sent to
a Government settlement. Aboriginal and Islander people
from all over Queensland were sent to Palm Island. Due to
its isolation and the difficulty of escape, the island was
considered an ideal place to hide away ‘uncontrollables’. The
island soon became known to Aborigines as ‘Punishment
Island’. In 1918, Robert Edward Curry became the first
superintendent, and set about establishing a proper
Curry had been born in South Brisbane and became a
stockman in Malanda, west of Cairns. Although he had an
injured, scarred left elbow, he joined the Australian Military
Forces in 1915 when he was 29 years old. While serving
in Egypt, Curry contracted mumps; but it was a crushed foot
that hastened his early return to Australia in December 1916,
unfit for duty. [5] Curry joined the Department of Native Affairs, and took his new wife, Agnes, to his
posting on Palm Island. When Curry began his administration of duties on Palm Island his left arm
below the elbow had begun to wither, and he suffered pain from his foot injury.
By the 1920s Curry had a reputation as a 'benevolent dictator' and a diligent worker. Gunyahs became
sheet iron shanties. When a sawmill was established, wooden cottages appeared. The timber was
logged in Mundy Bay and transported by bullocks and packhorses to the mill.
However, the Governor of Queensland, Donald Thatcher, visited the island in 1923 and was critical
of the squalid living conditions he observed. The settlement was under financed and leprosy and
venereal disease were epidemic. Medical facilities were almost non-existent so a medical
superintendent, Dr. Maitland Patterson, was assigned to the island hospital, his wife assisting him.
Tragedy was to befall the Curry and Patterson families … but that’s getting ahead of the story.
Welcome to Palm Island
Francois came to anchor off Palm Island 300 yards from shore. Mr. Curry, who turned out to be a
cousin of George Wardle, immediately boarded her. Shortly after breakfast they all went ashore and
were greeted by the most amazing sights. The party walked up an avenue flanked by tall coconut
palms and lined by whitewashed stones. The gravel path was raked to perfection. At the head of the
avenue was the superintendent’s residence, a pretty, creeper covered cottage set in a delightful
garden of flowering tropical shrubs. They passed the football ground, sports area, Post Office,
bandstand and two large dormitories for the children. Along another similar avenue there were
residences for the assistant superintendent, the store-keeper, the launch attendant and the sawmill
manager while on the other side was the hospital with Dr Maitland Patterson as medical superintendent
and his wife as Matron.
Mr. Curry took the party in his new 7-seater car along a road for six miles to the farm which supplied
the settlement with a variety of vegetables. This vehicle, at the time, was the only car off the mainland
of Queensland. Mr. Curry was indeed a very progressive individual.
The natives lived in either ‘white man’ cottages or primitive dwelling places. A native police force
assisted Mr. Curry watching over the 800 prisoners. Every evening a band played – they were not
very talented, but their enthusiasm made up for their lack of tune.
© Copyright 2011 Julianne Dodds
Did You Know?
Building on Palm Island.
Palm Island Butcher.
shop 1928
Palm Island sawmill.
Party from yacht with Tom
Pryor. 1928
Mrs Williams playing with
two island children. 1928
Barrie meets a native
policeman. 1928
Hospital staff and Francois
crew front of the Palm
Island Hospital. 1928
One of ten tribes who
entertained the visitors.
Murder on Palm Island
Over the next two years,
Administrator Curry’s relationship
with the other white staff on the
island deteriorated into feuds.
Gradually he succumbed to the
combined effects of alcoholism and
mental illness. His wife had died in
childbirth a year after Mac’s visit, and
Dr. Patterson was no longer supplying
Curry with novocaine, the treatment
for his ‘neuralgia of the cranial nerve’.
On 2nd February 1930, Curry ran
amok, wearing only red bathers and
armed with dynamite, petrol and
revolvers. He murdered his young son
and step-daughter and then burnt the
house in which their bodies lay. He
then went to the home of Dr
Patterson, where he shot him and his
wife, before escaping to adjacent
Fantome Island. When Curry returned
to the island, he beached his boat and
began walking to the community
carrying a .303 rifle and a handgun. A
lone Peter Prior met him on the beach
as most of the other inhabitants had
fled to the hills for safety from the
rampaging Curry. Pryor called for him
to surrender but Mr Curry ignored him
and pointed his gun at the aboriginal
man. Prior then shot him.
Charged with the murder of Robert
Curry, Prior was taken to Townsville
and imprisoned. He was released when
the Crown dropped the charges, but
Mr Curry’s brother threatened to
shoot Prior, so the aboriginal was
locked up for several months “for his
own protection”.
Peter Prior had only carried out the
instructions given by the authorities
and carried that remorse with him
until his death. He died in March
2000, aged 94 years. [8]
The following day Francois remained at anchor off Palm Island.
Mac and Jim did a spot of fishing and caught four Yellowtail weighing about 20lbs each. Mac had his
own sawmill in Brisbane so he showed great interest in the mill on Palm Island. A corroboree was
given in honour of the visitors and many photos were taken of the ten competing tribes.
Mac recorded in his ship’s log:
“A wonderful island, 800 aboriginal delinquents. Everything in wonderful order, reflecting
greatest credit on Mr Curry and his staff.”
Walking down Mango Avenue
Left to right: Tom Pryor, Mac Williams,
Francis Ann Williams, George Wardle, Mrs
Kerr and Captain George Kerr.
During her visit the previous day, Mrs Patterson had met Jacko the magpie and he had obviously
won her heart. So she sent the little bird a present with a note:
“Palm Island
Dear Mrs Williams
Have been hoping to see you during the day but no luck.
A thousand thanks for the lovely little chain and the papers.
Enclose an egg for your dear little birds tea.
Sincerely yours
Ethel Maitland Patterson”
The letter from Mrs Patterson.
1928 [6]
That evening, Frances Ann also gave the crew a ‘surprise’ dinner,
a royal repast – stewed chicken, boiled onions and white sauce,
mashed potatoes, plum pudding and custard.
One of the Aboriginal staffers who worked for Mr Curry was Peter Prior. Born in Bowen, Peter was sent
with his family to Palm Island to work when he was a young teenager. He grew into a tall, strong man
and was assigned by Mr Curry to oversee the road gang, and also the cargo boat that brought the food
supplies. His father was Tom Pryor, who became elder of the Birri Tribe on Palm Island.
As well as native policemen, there was an overseer, Thomas Hoffman, and two other staff, Mr Ballard,
the store-keeper and Bob Hamilton. [7]
At dawn the following day, after spending two days at the Palm Island settlement, the Francois party
departed for Townsville. They carried with them Mr. Ballard and Mr. Hamilton. Leaving the rest of their
newfound friends behind, they had no idea of the disaster that would befall some of the inhabitants on
Palm Island. [See Column at left]
Brass Band, Palm Island, 1931.
Courtesy Queensland State Archives