The cruise of the Francois 1928 In the path of Captain Cook 5th to 10th June 1928 Very early the next morning on the 5th June, they again proceeded south. The dawn emerged with a fine, clear day ahead of them. Francois slipped through the glassy, smooth sea as they passed Flat Rock, Barren Isle and anchored on the north side of Hummocky Island. Five of the crew went ashore and gave the magpie Jacko a run on the sand.  The water was crystal clear, showing the sand beneath, but they failed to find any fish or shells; in fact the only discovery of any interest was wreck of a burned boat.  They awoke before dawn to a wintry morning and a bitter, wintry breeze. It was still dark as they passed Capricorn Light and George morsed the light requesting a report to Brisbane that they were “O.K.” The intention was to head for Lady Musgrove Island. Although the sea was fairly smooth, the freezing conditions made them change plans and run for Bustard Bay. Under a dull, cloudy sky they anchored mid-morning under Round Hill Head.   © Copyright 2011  Julianne Dodds Did You Know? Gin rummy card game Gin rummy first appeared on the  scene, in its current format, at the  beginning of the 20th century.   Some historians have recognized a  member of the Knickerbocker Whist  Club, Elwood Baker, as the originator  of the game. Elwood Baker’s son came  up with the name of the game based  on the beverages of gin and rum. Gin  was popular immediately. It then rode  waves of highs and lows where it was  forgotten about and then re-gained  popularity in the late 1920s and the  1940s.  What’s in a name?  Urangan In the Kabi Kabi language this word  referred to small white shells.   Another interpretation is that it  referred to the dugong (yuangan)  which frequest the seas off Hervey  Bay. Going ashore at Urangan. Williams Collection “After lunch dinghy and launch went ashore and hauled the net with fine results – good feed of mullet. The further south we get it gets noticeably cold.  Inspected Capt. Cook’s monument on Round Hill Head.  George and Steve and Duncan caught a good number of crabs from the ship.” It was here that Lieutenant James Cook made his second landing on Australian soil (his first had been at Botany Bay) in May 1770. Cook went ashore near Round Hill Head with botanist Joseph Banks. They noted many pelicans and, upon the shore, a species of bustard, one of which was shot. They considered it the best bird they had eaten since leaving England, and in honour of it they called the inlet Bustard Bay. Another cold day followed as Francois continued on her home run. Passing Burnett Head, they arrived at Urangan. With a length of 3,077 ft from end to shore, the Urangan Pier was opened in 1917. A rail ran the length that then connected to a railway. Although there were two berths provided, Francois anchored off the jetty and remained at anchor overnight. As it was a Friday, they planned to go ashore for the weekend provisions. Due to a misjudgement blamed on Barrie, the launch was ‘stoved in’ against a pile on the wharf. Leaving the yacht at anchorage off the pier, the party was forced to go ashore in the flattie. The weather was ideal and they enjoyed the stroll ashore as the stores were purchased - bread, meat and onions. In Urangan they found a shooting gallery. Mac, George, Barrie and Steve competed – Mac won.  It had been a fine, clear day with a light wind and calm sea so they stayed another night at anchorage. Departure was a little later than usual next morning. A very cold wind blew as they proceeded through Sandy Straits between the mainland and Fraser Island. Unlike their journey north through this passage, they were not guide by a Fishing Inspector. After passing Little Woody Island they anchored close to a point marked on the chart that indicated the presence of fresh water. They spent the afternoon searching for the promised water, finding only discoloured water not fit for use. At this stage they were desperately short of water. As compensation, they hauled the net and caught a fine haul of garfish. The laborious task of preparing 126 small, bony fish gave them sufficient for two meals. It was too cold to remain on deck that evening so they played rummy, a card game.